What’s in my Pocket? – August 2014 Edition


Hi guys!

It’s been a while since I’ve shared random links that I have saved up in my Pocket. If you don’t know what a Pocket is, check out the Pocket website here. It’s basically an app that allows you to save links to revisit later. I have tons and tons of stuff saved there but not enough time to go through it so I take the time to compile some together for you guys to check out. You may be interested in checking out a few but if not, maybe when you have time to kill, I hope you remember this is here for you to look at later!

This is a mix of both things I have gone through and things I haven’t.




I hope at least one of these links catches your eye. If not, it’s okay! We may not have the same interests haha. But if you do find something you like, I’m glad I could share it with you. Have a great rest of the week. Look forward to a fun Flashback Friday post this week!

Much love,

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